
Collingwood College’s primary education (Prep – Grade 6) offers diverse learning and engagement opportunities for our students.

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Our primary curriculum is underpinned by the Victorian Curriculum for teaching and learning and we’re delighted to offer two streams; a Steiner inspired program and a Mainstream program. Our Reggio Emilia-inspired early years program has a curriculum focussed on fostering students’ social and emotional wellbeing.

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After School and Vacation Care

In partnership with the Team Kids, Collingwood College offers an exciting before school, after school and vacation care program. All programs are inclusive to all students and feature a range of activities focused on our community, the environment, students’ well-being, and education.

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Reggio Emilia Inspired Early Years

The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education perceives young children as unique and curious individuals who have the potential to learn from the world around them. Taking into account the educational, psychological, and sociological influences on children, our teachers employ a variety of strategies to stimulate learning.

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Waldorf Steiner

Steiner Education is a distinctive teaching approach based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner that is practised in many schools worldwide. At its core, Steiner addresses the educational needs of a whole child, fostering a child’s critical thinking, artistic creativity, and meaningful activity (head, heart, and hand).

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Collingwood College - Kitchen Garden Program

Kitchen Garden

Collingwood College’s Kitchen Garden Program was first established in 2001 as an experiential learning pilot by Stephanie Alexander and Collingwood College (SAKGF). Each week, 180 children from Grades 3 to 6 spend 45 minutes gardening in their organic vegetable garden and orchard which they helped to design, build, and now maintain on our school grounds.

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Collingwood College

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