Parent Contributions

Gone are the days of sending the kids to school with cash in an envelope and a signed permission slip! At Collingwood College, we use Compass Pay to send out push notifications to families that enables you to pay for excursions and confirm medical requirements all through the Compass app.

Cash, EFT, and B-pay will remain available as options, but the preferred method is Compass Pay.

Notes are sent through Compass to provide families with details of specific school/year level programs and activities, including camps, excursions, and incursions. Please note, these are available as hard copies upon request.

Under the Department of Education and Training’s Parent Payments Policy, Victorian government schools are required to provide transparent information to their school community on voluntary parent/carer contributions.

Our Parent Payment documentation outlines our expectations in regard to the financial payments requested of families to enable Collingwood College to maximise student learning outcomes. These expectations align directly with the Victorian Department of Education

If you will experience difficulty in making the requested payments, please contact the College Principal, Sam Luck by phone 9417 6681 or email to confidentially discuss alternative arrangements.